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Professor Dini Mawela, associate dean of the Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU), buy fake SMU diploma, order lastest verison SMU degree, fake Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University certificate, purchase SMU transcript in South Africa, how to order replica degree? said that cases of Sisol are rare and are usually caused by fertility treatments.
“This is a rather unique situation. I don’t know how often this happens. The risk of pregnancy is extremely high. This is a highly complex and high-risk situation. The danger is that because there is not enough room for the children in the womb, They tend to get smaller in size. What happens is that they will take out their children when they are born prematurely because if they leave the children there for longer, they are at risk. These babies have a very small chance of being born and survive. The odds are small. But it all depends on how long she took them with her.” She said that the reason for these pregnancies was “either due to natural causes, or someone is undergoing fertility treatment”.
“Remember, when undergoing fertility treatment, the doctor will inject as many eggs as possible to increase the probability of conception, because the doctor will assume that some of them will die. But the injected eggs are likely to survive. So, I don’t know her. It’s natural conception, it’s possible, and it’s the product of fertility treatment.” Mawela added. Sisol broke the record that Cissé gave birth to nine children (nine births) in a Moroccan hospital last month. Before Cissé, the record holder was American Nadya Suleman, who gave birth to 8 children in 2009. Her octuplets were conceived through in vitro fertilization.