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Many domestic students have a misunderstanding, that is, their own performance, that is, the hardware is good enough, and you can easily get an offer from a top-ranked American university by simply looking for an American study agency. As for documents, background improvement, etc., it’s all trivial. After all, my grades are there, you can’t see them, right? However, many outstanding students have been misled by this idea, resulting in a lot of delays and not even applying to the ideal colleges that should have been easy to apply to. Because they overlooked one point, the more high-end colleges and universities in the United States, the more they attach importance to documents and background conditions.
Buy fake degree online, fake diploma, buy degree, buy transcript, make a fake diploma online. Without further ado, let’s talk about the study abroad agency I signed last year, claiming that the admissions officer provided the whole process, and it looked very attractive, so I signed it . As a result, it was a failure, a crushing failure, and not a single school was admitted. Now think about it, it would be weird if you got admitted, unless it was a third-rate university. During the entire application process, I talked to the admissions officer 5 times, and the whole process was in English. There was a real obstacle in our communication. It is said to help me revise, most of the revisions are grammatical errors and obvious logical errors, and the rest is left to me. I am a person who has never applied for studying abroad, how to plan the content of my essays, it is ridiculous. And don’t you say that you can never see clearly by yourself, buy fake degree, buy fake diploma, buy fake transcript, buy fake certificate, so, in the end, the document I wrote myself was not good, so the revised document still had no advantages and bright spots, so it was rejected.
Foreign monks can recite sutras. Everyone must pay attention to this point. I believed this at the time, and I was tricked. Not to mention whether their so-called admissions officer is a current or a former admissions officer, even if you “know” a current admissions officer, is the fee you paid enough for him to open the door for you? Moreover, the old beauty is very strict in this regard. If you really dare to do this for you, once you find out, the admissions officer with a bright future will have to say goodbye to the get out of class.
It’s better to be down-to-earth and find an intermediary who can customize and write personalized documents for you. Essays are the best way to show students’ abilities and strengths apart from GPA and language scores. The quality of the paper can sometimes make up for the deficiencies in the GPA. Therefore, for a student, a document is not just a material, and it is finished when submitted. The effect of the document should focus on what to express, and how to express these needs to be scrutinized. Therefore, an experienced teacher can give you personalized documents according to the colleges and majors you are applying for. For example, the Huide Study Abroad I signed up for is a five-year + late teacher, who is responsible for students’ planning and documents throughout the process. When you fully understand the student’s situation, you can write a personalized document. The qualitative difference between such a document and the assembly line will be more points when the admissions officer reviews it. So these are the things that a study abroad institution can really help students do, far more than just a process.
To study in the United States, is it necessary to find a study abroad agent? Yes, and the sooner you prepare, the better.