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This leading international publication reflects the entire field of medical ethics and is dedicated to promoting ethical reflection and conduct in scientific research and medical practice. The journal includes original articles on ethical aspects of health care, case discussions, book reviews, editors’ notes, letterheads, news and reviews. The editorial board of the journal consists of experts from all over the world, including the United States, Europe, Australia and the Far East. This journal also has a supplement, Medical Humanities.
The General Medical Council (GMC) was founded under the Medical Act 1858 and is a charitable organization registered in England, Wales (1089278) and Scotland (SC037750). The four main functions of the GMC are: timely updating of registration information of qualified physicians, cultivating good medical practices, improving medical education and training standards, and dealing fairly and fairly with doctors who are unfit to continue practicing. buy fake certificate of completion of training GMC diploma, buy fake General Medical Council certificate.
The GMC is independent of government agencies and any group organization and protects and promotes public health and safety by ensuring that appropriate standards are adopted in medical practice.